Dakshin Foundry has Inductotherm make Dual-Trak Induction Furnace with two crucibles of capacity 1.5 Ton capacity each. This enables us to melt and hold at the same time, thereby improving our productivity.
Dakshin Foundry has Inductotherm make Dual-Trak Induction Furnace with two crucibles of capacity 1.5 Ton capacity each. This enables us to melt and hold at the same time, thereby improving our productivity.
3/7/2021 · Flat Bed Foundry Plant Transport Bogie for Railway Transfer is one of our common and mature product, which is customized as per customers' true demand. Such as power supply, operation system, control system, track or no track, steerable, wheelstype, cart frame structure and so on, and then provide proper solution to you.
The eot cranes full form system consists of three major components: the end carriage, which traverses across the runway; the hoist or trolley, which traverses across the bridge and lifts up and down. And the electric control panel.If you only need eot crane components, we also can provide the high quality as same as the cranes with a better price.
Versatile, Sturdy and Efficient. Wheelabrator HTS Hanger type blast cleaning systems are versatile and reliable, and provide effective and economical blast cleaning of a wide variety of component sizes and complexities. They are ideal for foundry and forge applications, including cast, forge, hardened or
Foundry crane is one of the key equipment in the steelmaking process, applicable to metal smelting workshops to lift and move hot molten metal. Foundry overhead cranes work in harsh environments with high temperature, high dust and harmful gases, and are generally suitable for ambient temperatures of
Borghi Assali, founded in 1971, is a leading company in the field of electric and hydraulic steering and traction systems design and production. Our products can be customized according to specific customer requirements. The very wide range of our production (from 1,200 kg to 120 tons load capacity) and the high number of different products
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10 Ton Overhead Crane. 10 ton overhead crane is a great lifting device for material handling, lifting and transporting. It has various types to adapt to different working conditions, such as single girder overhead crane, double girder overhead crane, grab overhead crane, casting overhead crane, foundry crane with hook, workstation bridge crane.
PERFECT transporters can also be designed with diesel propulsion, mainly for handling heavy loads up to 800 tons and long distances. Diesel transporters are mainly used for outdoors and usually includes omnidirectional steering for tight turning radius. They can either include cabin for long distances or driven with remote control for short distances.
The rail transfer car suitable for foundry industry to transport castings, the flat-car weighing 20 tons, is a product exported to Singapore. The customer does not need to add a transportation line to the newly built factory to transport the processed castings from the processing area to the warehouse.
All battery operated coil transfer car are competitive in high quality and good performance. As one of the most professional manufacturers and suppliers in China, we warmly welcome you to wholesale customized battery operated coil transfer car made in China at
Coils industry apply transfer carts for coils transportation. Coil transfer cart is very popular with the customers from metallurgy industry.For the kind of cart, the customers care the following problems: 1.coil quantity they can put on the cart, coils safety in the transportation, coil cart table deformation, coil
Description: The BDG series electric transfer cart is a 36V low-voltage rail-powered electric flat transfer car. Its working principle is based on the rail sliding line. The ground step-down transformer control cabinet steps down the single-phase AC 380V to a single 36V safe voltage.
In 1966 German author Karl-Heinz Brokmeier wrote “Induction melting is in a state of rapid development”. Throughout 60s and 70s a dra growth of mains frequency induction furnace was seen across the world. Later in 80s with introduction of medium
Product Name:Rail handling bogie capable of moving in multiple directions for transporting molten iron ladle Table size(mm):H450*W2000*L3500 Cable reel-poweredPerfect-capacity positioning track flat car, flat car load 25 tons, table top can be customized, the