The heavy-duty battery-powered transfer vehicle is composed of batteries and is the power source for a series of flatbed vehicles. It powers the flatbed truck. The direct current flows into the distribution box and supplies the distribution box to the operating system and the motor.
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In 2002, Alcan used 10.3 million tonnes of bauxite and had revenues of $99 million in third party bauxite sales. Alcan produced 4.1 million tonnes of smelter-grade alumina, of which some 3.4 million tonnes were transferred to its current smelting operations at market prices. The remainder was sold to third parties.
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Our Cars can handle the full range of your mill-duty transfer car needs, whether you need a 250-ton capacity slag pot transfer car, a 300-ton capacity ladle transfer car or a scrap box transfer car. Each of our designs can be customized for your specific application, and include the specific power source, control, weighing and safety features
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Aug 31, 2021 · Requires a load of 10 tons, table size: 1700x800x500mm, also requires battery power to save costs Brief Description of the Project The customer needs a transfer cart to be used in his factory to carry mechanical equipment, the weight of the truck is 10 tons, the size of the truck platform has certain requirements, no other additional requirements.
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